Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Hand Made by D'Gio

 So, DesirĂ©e, let's start at the begining. When did you realise you wanted to become a jewellery designer?
My passion for jewelry? Started at age 5 spring cleaning I'd take my.mom's hand me downs break them apart & alter play dress up. I really believe that was the core of my inner passion but I was too young to understand. I went through a rough journey of self discovery the precise day I realized I wanted to make this a business of my own was est. Feb, 2010 it really just started as a joke from my.boyfriend. We'd go.shopping, I complained about the pricing of costume jewelry.and the bad quality put into the workmanship. He said "quit talking if you think your so good let me see your craft" next day I purchased material n wowed him when I presented my very 1st. Piece of jewelry.

Your jewellery is very unique and detailed. What's the longest you've spent on a piece?
Why Thank you! The longest work by far has been a vest I made of pure gun metal links - 4 Days ( with breaks of course) but the hourly work put into was about 46 hrs.
 I bet he was impressed! Where do you get your inspiration from?
It was a culmination of things as cliche' as it may sound he was for the most part I guess we all have to fight our mental demons & not compare ourselves to the next person because when we do we tend to selfconciously bring out our flaws and dread. When we are all individually unique there is no replicant of you thats why we have finger prints to identify ourselves as you are the one and only. He believed in my talent.and pushed me as far as he could so I can deff. Say he has a intense part of the inspiration. Most my collections are visual objects in many things that inspire me from movies to traveling, culture, religion, music to even a conversation with someone and.1 word grasp my attention I retain these things and put life on it well.... Not life persay but Glamour! Lol

Amen to that I gotta say. What is your favourite out of all you've done?
Favorite piece? Ahhh so hard I love so many but of I Were to choose it'd be between the gun metal vest and A Grecian inspired Coutoure crown I made for a client :)
 Finally, what is set for the the future for Desiree? 
Expand, make D'Gio known internationally, be determined and set an example you don't have to be among the elite to get your voice and talent heard. You slack you lose your career has to ride like a motor keep it moving the possibilities are endless you stop that motor and it'll get rusty. Your mind is the most powerful element you can do anything you set your mind to Xo Peace Love & Art 

If you want to see more of  D'Gio work;